The Paschal Cycle
- Sheet music for the period from the preparation for Lent through the Sunday of All Saints
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By the Waters of Babylon
Novgorod Melody, as in the Sputnik Psalomshchika
Open unto Me the Doors of Repentance Video
Boris M. Ledkovsky (adapted for English by Archpriest George Johnson)
*melody in Alto
Now the Powers of Heaven
Kievan Chant, 6th Tone
arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
– For a full choir, Sopranos sing V1, Altos sing V2, which is the melody, and Tenors sing V3.
Make Haste to Open Unto Me
arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Sunday of the Prodigal Son - Pointed Text Hymnody
Sunday of the Last Judgement - Hymnody
Arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Sunday of the Last Judgement Katavasia Odes
Sunday of the Last Judgement Ode 3
Sunday of the Last Judgement Ode 4
Sunday of the Last Judgement Ode 6
Sunday of the Last Judgement Ode 7
Sunday of the Last Judgement Ode 8
Sunday of Forgiveness - Hymnody
Arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Stikhera in Tone 6 on "Lord, I have cried", to the melody, "Having Set All Aside", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Lenten Vespers Troparia
Sunday of Orthodoxy - Hymnody
Arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Sunday of Saint Gregory Palamas - Hymnody
Arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Stikhera in Tone 2 on "Lord, I have cried", to the melody, "With what hymns of praise", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Sunday of Saint Gregory Palamas LIHC 1
Sunday of Saint Gregory Palamas LIHC 2
Sunday of Saint Gregory Palamas LIHC 3
from a Moscow Obikhod
“Lord, I Have Cried” Stichera from the Triodion
6th Tone, to the special melody “Having set all your hope”
Greek Chant, 8th Tone
Common Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Greek Chant, 4th Tone
Antiphons at Liturgy
Znamenny Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Behold, the Bridegroom Cometh
Kievan Chant, to its own melody
Holy Monday Irmoi
Holy Tuesday Irmoi
Holy Wednesday Irmoi
Abbreviated Znamenny Chant, 2nd Tone
Kiev melody, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Archpriest George Johnson
Abbreviated Znamenny Chant, 6th Tone
Abbreviated Bulgarian Chant, 6th Tone
God is the Lord
The Noble Joseph
Unto the Myrrh-Bearing Women
Both Now
When Thou Didst Descend Unto Death
Bulgarian Chant, 2nd Tone
Instead of “It is Truly Meet”
Abbreviated Znamenny Chant, 6th Tone
Greek Chant, 3rd Tone
harmony after E. Smirnov
Paschal Stichera
Znamenny Chant, arranged by Bakhmetev
*melody in Alto
Instead of “It is Truly Meet”
Abbreviated Greek Chant
*melody in Alto
4th Sunday of Pascha - the Paralytic
Pointed Text
5th Sunday of Pascha - the Samaritan Woman
Pointed Text
Common Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
First Antiphon
Znamenny Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
*melody in Alto
Second Antiphon
Znamenny Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
*melody in Alto
Instead of “It is Truly Meet”
Znamenny Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
*melody in Alto
Kievan Chant, 8th Tone
Kievan Chant, 8th Tone
O Heavenly King
Kievan Chant, 6th Tone
arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Prokeimenon at Matins
Znamenny Chant, 4th Tone
First and Second Antiphon
Znamenny Chant
arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Prokeimenon at Divine Liturgy
Znamenny Chant, 8th Tone
Instead of “It is Truly Meet”
Abbreviated Greek Chant, 4th Tone
arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
*melody in Alto
– a split in the tenor part offers a low option for choirs without any true tenors, but if resources allow for only one tenor part, the higher one should be sung when feasible