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Fixed Cycle

- Sheet music specific to each of the fixed feasts and saints in the Russian Orthodox Christian liturgical calendar

- Notes on music vs. pointed text:

Some of the material on this page is in the form of pointed text, which consists of words only, without written notes. It can easily be read if the tones and the pointing system are known. A syllable in bold type carries a musical stress. A syllable in italics has a flex, a change in the melody preceding or following a stress. Slashes separate each musical phrase, but a slash with an underscore on either side ( _/_ ) indicates that no breath should be taken between the two phrases. Two slashes precede the final phrase. Underscores are also used to indicate multiple notes assigned to a single syllable. When more than one is used, they are separated by periods ( _._._ ).

Most of the music on the Vespers page (and the Praises on the Matins page) has notes and is also pointed. Part VI of the Introduction is also very helpful regarding both pointed text and the tones.


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September | October | November | December | January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August

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2 (15) September, Martyr Mamas and St. John the Faster

Stikhera in Tone 8 on "Lord, I have cried", to the melody, "O most glorious wonder", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

4 (17) September, Hieromartyr Babylas, Holy Prophet Moses

Stikhera in Tone 6 on "Lord, I have cried", to the melody, "Having set all aside", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson


Stikhera in Tone 4 on "Lord, I have cried", to the melody, "Called from on high", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson 

8 (21) September, the Nativity of the Theotokos

Canon 1

Ode 1 Irmos

Ode 3 Irmos

Ode 4 Irmos

Ode 5 Irmos

Ode 6 Irmos

Ode 7 Irmos

Ode 8 Irmos

Ode 9 Irmos


Common Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
*melody in Alto
Greek Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Pointed Text
Vespers Stichera
Pointed Text
Common Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Znamenny Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Matins Prokeimenon
Znamenny Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
After the Matins Gospel
Pointed Text
Instead of “It is Truly Meet”
Greek Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson


9 (22) September, Joachim and Anna

Podoben in Tone 1 on "Lord, I have cried", to the melody, "Joy of the Ranks of Heaven", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

Stikhera in Tone 4 on "Lord, I have cried", to the melody, "Thou hast given a sign", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson


13 (26) September, Dedication of the Church of the Resurrection at the Holy Sepulcher

Rejoice 1 ("Rejoice, thou Life-bearing Cross")
Stikheron in Tone 5, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Rejoice 2 ("Rejoice, thou Cross of the Lord")
Stikheron in Tone 5, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Rejoice 3 ("Rejoice, thou guide of the blind")
Stikheron in Tone 5, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

14 (27) September, the Exaltation of the Cross

Common Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Znamenny Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Matins Prokeimenon
Znamenny Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Greek Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Before Thy Cross at the end of Matins
Znamenny Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Before Thy Cross for Liturgy
Traditional Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Prokeimenon at Liturgy
Znamenny Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
melody in Soprano
melody in Alto

16 (29) September, Great Martyr Euphemia, and the After-feast of the Exaltation of the Cross

Stikhera in Tone 4 on "Lord, I have cried", to the melody, "Thou hast given a sign", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

Stikhera in Tone 4 on "Lord, I have cried", to the melody, "As one valiant among the martyrs", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson


18 September (1 Oct), Afterfeast of the Cross, Venerable Eumenius

Podoben in Tone 4 on "Lord, I have cried", to the melody, "As one valiant among the martyrs" (Novgorod form), arranged by Archpriest George Johnson


20 September (3 Oct), Afterfeast of the Cross, the Martyr Eustathius and his family

Stikhera in Tone 4 on "Lord, I have cried", to the melody, "Thou hast given a sign", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson


23 September (6 Oct), Conception of St. John the Baptist

Stikhera in Tone 4 on "Lord, I have cried", to the melody, "Called from on high", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

25 September (8 Oct), Ven. Sergius of Radonezh

Stikhera in Tone 6 on "Lord, I have cried", to the melody, "Having set all aside," arranged by Archpriest George Johnson


1 (14) October, the Protection of the Theotokos

Bulgarian Chant
Stichera on “Lord, I Have Cried”
Kiev Caves Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

4 (17) October, Hieromartyr Hierotheus

Stichera in Tone 4 on “Lord, I Have Cried”, to the melody "Thou hast given a sign", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

Hieromartyr Hierotheus lihc1

Hieromartyr Hierotheus lihc2

Hieromartyr Hierotheus lihc3


7 (20) October, St. Jonah Bishop of Hankow

Podoben in Tone 1 on “Lord, I Have Cried”, to the melody "Joy of the Ranks of Heaven", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

St Jonah of Hankow LIHC4

St Jonah of Hankow LIHC5

St Jonah of Hankow LIHC6


Pointed Text Files

St Jonah of Hankow - Stikhera in the 6th Tone

St Jonah of Hankow - Hymnody



10 (23) October, Holy Elders of Optina

Stichera on “Lord, I Have Cried”
arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Pointed Text
includes: “Glory” on “Lord I Have Cried”; Troparion; After the Matins Gospel; Kontakion; “Glory” and “Both now” on the Praises

8-14 (21-27) October, Holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council

Stichera on “Lord, I Have Cried”,  arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

Hymnody in Pointed Text

16 (29) October, Martyr Longinus the Centurion

Stichera in Tone 8 on “Lord, I Have Cried”, to the melody "O All-Glorious Wonder", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

1016 Longinus LIHC 1

1016 Longinus LIHC 2

1016 Longinus LIHC 3


17 (30) October, Holy Prophet Hosea & Monk Martyr Andrew of Crete

Stichera in Tone 1 on “Lord, I Have Cried”, to the melody "O Most Lauded Martyrs", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

1017 Prophet Hosea lihc1

1017 Prophet Hosea lihc2

1017 Prophet Hosea lihc3


Stichera in Tone 4 on “Lord, I Have Cried”, to the melody "As one valiant among the martyrs", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

1017 Martyr Andrew lihc4

1017 Martyr Andrew lihc5

1017 Martyr Andrew lihc6


18 (31) October, Apostle and Evangelist Luke

Stichera in Tone 8 on “Lord, I Have Cried”, to the melody "What shall we call you", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

Evangelist Luke lihc1

Evangelist Luke lihc2

Evangelist Luke lihc3

Evangelist Luke lihc4

Evangelist Luke lihc5

Evangelist Luke lihc6


19 October (1 Nov), St. John of Kronstadt (also Dec 20)

Stichera in Tone 6 on “Lord, I Have Cried”, to the melody "Having set all aside", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

St John of Kronstadt lihc1

St John of Kronstadt lihc2

St John of Kronstadt lihc3

St John of Kronstadt lihc4

St John of Kronstadt lihc5

St John of Kronstadt lihc6


21 October (3 Nov), St. Hilarion the Great

Stichera in Tone 4 on “Lord, I Have Cried”, to the melody "Called from on high", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

St Hilarion the Great LIHC1

St Hilarion the Great LIHC2

St Hilarion the Great LIHC3


Pointed Text Files

St Hilarion the Great - Hymnody


23 October (5 Nov), St. James, Brother of the Lord

Stichera in Tone 4 (Kievan Chant) on “Lord, I Have Cried”, to the melody "Thou hast given a sign", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

1023 James Brother of the Lord LIHC1

1023 James Brother of the Lord LIHC2

1023 James Brother of the Lord LIHC3


28 October (10 Nov), St. Job of Pochaev

Pointed Text Files


St Job of Pochaev - Hymnody




Magnification St Job of Pochaev


30 October (12 Nov), Holy Martyrs Zenobius and Zenobia

Stikhera in Tone 4 on "Lord, I have cried", to the melody, "As one valiant", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson


31 October (13 Nov), Apostles Stachys and Others of the 70 & Martyr Epimachus

Stikhera in Tone 1 on "Lord, I have cried", to the melody, "O, Most Lauded Martyrs", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

Stikhera in Tone 4 on "Lord, I have cried", to the melody, "As one valiant among the martyrs", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

4 (17) November, St Joannicius the Great & Hieromartyr Nicander

Stichera in Tone 4 on “Lord, I Have Cried”, to the melody "Called from on high", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

1104 Joannicius and Nicander  LIHC 1

1104 Joannicius and Nicander  LIHC 2

1104 Joannicius and Nicander  LIHC 3


Stichera in Tone 2 on “Lord, I Have Cried”, to the melody "When from the tree", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson


1104 Joannicius and Nicander  LIHC 4

1104 Joannicius and Nicander  LIHC 5

1104 Joannicius and Nicander  LIHC 6


Pointed Text files


St Joannicius the Great & Hieromartyr Nicander - Hymnody


6 (19) November, St. Paul of Constantinople

Stichera in Tone 4 on “Lord, I Have Cried”, to the melody "Thou hast given a sign", Kievan, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

1106 St. Paul of Constantinople LIHC1

1106 St. Paul of Constantinople LIHC2

1106 St. Paul of Constantinople LIHC3

1106 St. Paul of Constantinople LIHC4


8 (21) November, Synaxis of the Archangel Michael and the Bodiless Powers

Stichera in Tone 4 on “Lord, I Have Cried”, to the melody "As one valiant among the martyrs", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

St Michael Synaxis lihc1

St Michael Synaxis lihc2

St Michael Synaxis lihc3

St Michael Synaxis lihc 4,5,6


9 (22) November, St Nectarios of Aegina

Pointed Text files

St Nectarios - Hymnody


11 (24) November, Martyrs Minas, Victor et al

Stichera in Tone 4 on “Lord, I Have Cried”, to the melody "As one valiant among the martyrs", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

1111 Martyrs Minas, Victor et al  LIHC 1

1111 Martyrs Minas, Victor et al  LIHC 2

1111 Martyrs Minas, Victor et al  LIHC 3


Stichera in Tone 8 on “Lord, I Have Cried”, to the melody "O all-glorious wonder", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson


1111 Martyrs Minas, Victor et al  LIHC 4

1111 Martyrs Minas, Victor et al  LIHC 5

1111 Martyrs Minas, Victor et al  LIHC 6


Pointed Text files


Martyrs Minas, Victor et al - Hymnody



14 (27) November, Holy Apostle Philip

Stichera in Tone 6 on “Lord, I Have Cried”, to the melody "Having set all aside", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

Holy Apostle Philip lihc1

Holy Apostle Philip lihc2

Holy Apostle Philip lihc3


18 (Dec 1), Martyrs Platon and Romanos

Stichera in Tone 8 on “Lord, I Have Cried”, to the melody "O all-glorious wonder", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

1118 Martyrs Platon and Romanos LIHC 1

1118 Martyrs Platon and Romanos LIHC 2

1118 Martyrs Platon and Romanos LIHC 3


Stichera in Tone 4 on “Lord, I Have Cried”, to the melody "As one valiant among the martyrs", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson


1118 Martyrs Platon and Romanos LIHC 4

1118 Martyrs Platon and Romanos LIHC 5

1118 Martyrs Platon and Romanos LIHC 6


Pointed Text files

Martyrs Platon and Romanos - Hymnody


21 November (Dec 4), the Entry of the Theotokos into the Temple

Common Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Common Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Stichera on “Lord, I Have Cried”
Kiev Caves Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Common Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Znamenny Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Matins Prokeimenon
Znamenny Chant
Abbreviated Znamenny Chant
Ode 9 Refrains
Abbreviated Znamenny Chant
Instead of “It is Truly Meet”

Greek Chant

On "Lord I have cried" "Glory"-"Both now"  in the 8th tone

25 November (Dec 8), Hieromartyr Clement

Stichera in Tone 2 on “Lord, I Have Cried”, to the melody "When from the tree", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

1125 Hieromartyr Clement LIHC 4

1125 Hieromartyr Clement LIHC 5

1125 Hieromartyr Clement LIHC 6


Pointed Text files


1125 Hieromartyr Clement - Hymnody

28 November (Dec 11), Holy Venerable Martyr Stephen the New

Stichera in Tone 6 on “Lord, I Have Cried”, to the melody "Having set all aside", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

Monk Martyr Stephen the New lihc1

Monk Martyr Stephen the New lihc2

Monk Martyr Stephen the New lihc3


27 November (Dec 10), Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God

Stichera in Tone 8 on “Lord, I Have Cried”, to the melody "O Most Glorious Wonder", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

Kursk Icon LIHC1

Kursk Icon LIHC2

Kursk Icon LIHC3

Troparion in Tone 4 for Kursk Root Icon, Greek Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

Kursk Icon Troparion, Greek Chant

29 November (Dec 12), Martyr Paramon and Venerable Acacius

Stichera in Tone 4 on “Lord, I Have Cried”, to the melody "Called from on high", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

Martyr Paramon lihc1

Martyr Paramon lihc2

Martyr Paramon lihc3



2 December (Dec 15), Prophet Habbakuk

Stichera in Tone 4 on “Lord, I Have Cried”, to the melody "As one valiant among the martrys", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

1202 Prophet Habbakuk LIHC 1

1202 Prophet Habbakuk LIHC 2

1202 Prophet Habbakuk LIHC 3

Pointed Text files

1202 Prophet Habbakuk- Hymnody


9 December (Dec 22), Conception of the Theotokos

Stichera in Tone 4 on “Lord, I Have Cried”, to the melody "Called from on high", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

1209 Conception of the Theotokos LIHC 1

1209 Conception of the Theotokos LIHC 2

1209 Conception of the Theotokos LIHC 3

Pointed Text files

Conception of the Theotokos - Hymnody


12 (25) December, Venerable Herman of Alaska

Znamenny Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

Kievan Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

To the melody of "The Myrrh-Bearing Women", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

Stichera 1, 2, 3 in Tone 3 on “Lord, I Have Cried”  

Pointed Text


Stichera in Tone 6 on "Lord, I have cried", to the melody, "Having set all aside", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

1212 St Herman Stichera 4

1212 St Herman Stichera 5

1212 St Herman Stichera 6

1212 St Herman Stichera 7

1212 St Herman Stichera 8


Glory in Tone 6 on "Lord, I have cried" 

Pointed Text


Greek Chant, Tone 4, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

Sunday of the Holy Forefathers, 11 – 17 (24 – 30) December

1st Troparion of the 9th Ode, 2nd CanonGreek Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
– This hymn draws attention to the virtuous women of the Old Testament.  While it is normally read, not sung, the choir director may desire to sing this arrangement, either in its place or during the clergy communion, especially if women are present whose patrons are included.

Pointed Text Files

Sunday of the Forefathers - Hymnody

Sunday of the Fathers, Sunday before Nativity 18 — 24 December (31 Dec — 6 Jan)

Stichera in Tone 6 on "Lord, I have cried", to the melody, "Having set all aside", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

Sunday of the Fathers lihc1

Sunday of the Fathers lihc2

Sunday of the Fathers lihc3

Sunday of the Fathers lihc4

Sunday of the Fathers lihc5

Sunday of the Fathers lihc6


Pointed Text Files


Sunday of the Fathers - Hymnody


24 December (6 Jan), Eve of the Nativity of Christ

Stichera on “Lord, I Have Cried”
The Aposticha

25 December (7 Jan), the Nativity of Christ

Greek Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Bulgarian Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Lesser Doxology
from a melody found in a pre-revolutionary Polish Missionary Obikhod
*melody in Alto
Common Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Greek Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
– “We praise...” at the beginning of Ode 8 should be sung only when used as katavasia
Instead of “It is Truly Meet”
Greek Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson


Sunday after Nativity, Kinsmen of the Lord, December 26 - Jan 1 (Jan 8- Jan 14),  

Stichera in Tone 1 on “Lord, I Have Cried”, Podoben "Joy of the Ranks of Heaven", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

1230 Sunday after Nativity LIHC 1

1230 Sunday after Nativity LIHC 2

1230 Sunday after Nativity LIHC 3

Pointed Text files

1230 Sunday after Nativity - Hymnody



Second Tone Common chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson


Bulgarian Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson


6 (19) January, the Theophany of the Lord

Greek Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Common Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Canon 1
Abbreviated Greek Chant
Canon 2
Abbreviated Greek Chant
Antiphons at Liturgy
Znamenny Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Instead of “It is Truly Meet”
Greek Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

13 (26) January, after Theophany Martyrs Hermylus and Stratonicus

Stichera in Tone 4 on “Lord, I Have Cried”, to the melody "Thou hast given a sign", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

0113 after Theophany Martyrs Hermylus & Stratonicus LIHC 4

0113 after Theophany Martyrs Hermylus & Stratonicus LIHC 5

0113 after Theophany Martyrs Hermylus & Stratonicus LIHC 6

Pointed Text files

after Theophany Martyrs Hermylus & Stratonicus - Hymnody


20 January (Feb 2), Venerable Euthymius

Stichera in Tone 4 on “Lord, I Have Cried”, to the melody "Called from on high", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

0120 Venerable Euthymius LIHC 4

0120 Venerable Euthymius LIHC 5

0120 Venerable Euthymius LIHC 6

Pointed Text files

0120 Venerable Euthymius the Great - Hymnody


Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia, 22 – 28 January (4 – 10 February)

Prokeimenon at Liturgy
Znamenny Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
melody in Soprano
melody in Alto


2 (15) February, the Meeting of the Lord

Common Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Greek Chant
– “We praise...” at the beginning of Ode 8 should be sung only when used as katavasia

5 (18) February, Afterfeast of the Meeting - Martyr Agatha of Palermo

Stikhera in Tone 1 on "Lord, I have cried", Podoben "Joy of the Ranks of Heaven", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

Stikhera in Tone 4 on "Lord, I have cried", to the melody of "Thou hast given a sign", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

25 March (7 April), the Annunciation of the Theotokos

as in the “Sputnik Psalomschika”
*melody in Alto
Abbreviated Znamenny Chant
*melody in Alto
– “We praise...” at the beginning of Ode 8 should be sung only when used as katavasia. At Ode 9, only the refrains (“O earth...”) are normally sung, and the material between them is read.



9 (22) May, Holy Martyr Christopher

Stikhera in Tone 4 on "Lord, I have cried", to the melody, "As one valiant among the martyrs" (Novgorod form), arranged by Archpriest George Johnson


5/9 Holy Martyr Christopher lihc 1

5/9 Holy Martyr Christopher lihc 2

5/9 Holy Martyr Christopher lihc 3



26 June (9 July), Tichvin Icon of the Theotokos

Stikhera in Tone 1 on "Lord, I have cried", to the melody, "Joy of the ranks of heaven", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

Tichvin Icon lihc1

Tichvin Icon lihc2

Tichvin Icon lihc3


29 June (12 July), Holy Apostles Peter and Paul

Moscow Chant
God is the Lord
Moscow Chant
Dismissal Theotokion
Moscow Chant

30 June (13 July), Synaxis of the Twelve Apostles

Moscow Chant
Kievan Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Stichera on “Lord, I Have Cried”
Kiev Caves Lavra Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
God is the Lord
Moscow Chant
Dismissal Theotokion
Moscow Chant


8 (21) July, Kazan Icon of the Theotokos

On "Lord, I have cried" in the 4th tone to the melody "As one valiant among the martyrs", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

0708 Kazan Icon LIHC 1

0708 Kazan Icon LIHC 2

0708 Kazan Icon LIHC 3

0708 Kazan Icon LIHC 4


11 (24) July, St. Olga, Equal to the Apostles

Podoben in Tone 4 on "Lord, I have cried", to the melody, "As one valiant amiong the martyrs", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

0711 St Olga LIHC 1

0711 St Olga LIHC 2

0711 St Olga LIHC 3

0711 St Olga LIHC 4


Sunday of the Holy Fathers of the First Six Ecumenical Councils, 13 – 19 July (26 July – 1 Aug)

Stichera on “Lord, I Have Cried”
Kiev Caves Lavra Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson

22 July (4 Aug), St Mary Magdalene, Hieromartyr Phocas

Stichera in Tone 8 on "Lord, I have cried", to the melody, "O all-glorious wonder", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson:

0722 Mary Magdalene LIHC 1

0722 Mary Magdalene LIHC 2

0722 Mary Magdalene LIHC 3


Stichera in Tone 4 on "Lord, I have cried", to the melody, "Thou hast given a sign", arranged by Achpriest George Johnson:


0722 Martyr Phocas LIHC 4

0722 Martyr Phocas LIHC 5

0722 Martyr Phocas LIHC 6


24 July (6 Aug), Holy Martyrs Boris and Gleb

Podoben in Tone 8 on "Lord, I have cried", to the melody, "O all-glorious wonder", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson:

0724 Sts Boris and Gleb LIHC 1

0724 Sts Boris and Gleb LIHC 2

0724 Sts Boris and Gleb LIHC 3


Kievan Chant in Tone 2, to the melody "With what hymns of praise", arranged by Achpriest George Johnson:


0724 Sts Boris and Gleb LIHC 4

0724 Sts Boris and Gleb LIHC 5

0724 Sts Boris and Gleb LIHC 6


29 July (11 Aug), Holy Martyr Callinicus of Gangra

Stichera in Tone 8 on "Lord, I have cried", to the melody, "O all-glorious wonder", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson:

0729 Martyr Callinicus LIHC 1

0729 Martyr Callinicus LIHC 2

0729 Martyr Callinicus LIHC 3


5 (18) August, Forefeast of Transfiguration, Martyr Eusygnius

Stichera on “Lord, I Have Cried,” Pointed Text
0805 Forefeast Transfig, Martyr Eusygnius LIHC, Pointed Text

6 (19) August, the Transfiguration of the Lord

Common Chant
Greek Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Troparion for use in the 3rd Antiphon of the Liturgy
Abbreviated Greek Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
*melody in Alto
Common Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Common Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Znamenny Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Matins Prokeimenon
Znamenny Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
After the Matins Gospel
Abbreviated Kievan Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Canon 1
Abbreviated Greek Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Antiphons at Liturgy
Znamenny Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Prokeimenon at Liturgy
Znamenny Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
melody in Soprano
melody in Alto
Instead of “It is Truly Meet”
Greek Chant
*melody in Alto

12 (25) August, Martyrs Photius & Anicetas (Afterfeast of Transfiguration)

Stichera on “Lord, I Have Cried,” Tone 4, to the melody "Thou hast given a sign"
0812 Martys Photius & Anicetas LIHC 1
0812 Martys Photius & Anicetas LIHC 2
0812 Martys Photius & Anicetas LIHC 3

14 (27) August, Forefeast of Dormition, Prophet Micah

Stichera on “Lord, I Have Cried,” Tone 4, Podoben "As one Valiant"
0814 Forefeast LIHC 1
0814 Forefeast LIHC 2
0814 Forefeast LIHC 3
Stichera on “Lord, I Have Cried,” Tone 4, to the melody "Thou hast given a sign"
0814 Prophet Micah LIHC 4
0814 Prophet Micah LIHC 5
0814 Prophet Micah LIHC 6

15 (28) August, the Dormition of the Theotokos

Stichera on “Lord, I Have Cried”
Kiev Caves Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Common Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Znamenny Chant, arranged by Archpriest George Johnson
Canon 1
Greek Chant
– “We praise...” at the beginning of Ode 8 should be sung only when used as katavasia
Kiev Melody
*melody in Alto
Instead of “It is Truly Meet”
Greek Chant
*melody in Alto

19 August (1 Sept), Afterfeast of the Dormition of the Theotokos, Andrew the General

Podoben in Tone 4 on "Lord, I have cried", to the melody, "As one valiant among the martyrs" (Novgorod form), arranged by Archpriest George Johnson:


0819 After Dormition LIHC 1

0819 After Dormition LIHC 2

0819 After Dormition LIHC 3


22 August (4 Sept), Afterfeast of the Dormition of the Theotokos

Stikhera in Tone 8 on "Lord, I have cried", to the melody, "O Most Glorious Wonder", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson:

0822 After Dormition LIHC 1

0822 After Dormition LIHC 2

0822 After Dormition LIHC 3

Stikhera in Tone 4 on "Lord, I have cried", to the melody, "Thou hast given a sign", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson:

0822 Agathonicus LIHC 4

0822 Agathonicus LIHC 5

0822 Agathonicus LIHC 6


26 August (8 Sept), Vladimir Icon of the Theotokos, Martyrs Adrian & Natalia

Stikhera in Tone 4 on "Lord, I have cried", to the melody, "As one valiant among the martyrs", arranged by Archpriest George Johnson:

0826 Vladimir Icon, Martyrs Adrian & Natalia LIHC 1

0826 Vladimir Icon, Martyrs Adrian & Natalia LIHC 2

0826 Vladimir Icon, Martyrs Adrian & Natalia LIHC 3

0826 Vladimir Icon, Martyrs Adrian & Natalia LIHC 4

0826 Vladimir Icon, Martyrs Adrian & Natalia LIHC 5

0826 Vladimir Icon, Martyrs Adrian & Natalia LIHC 6

0826 Vladimir Icon, Martyrs Adrian & Natalia LIHC 7

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